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Chiaki Mukai Photo Life Science Research on Manned Space Flights
			Chiaki Mukai, JAXA Astronaut
Chiaki Mukai Photo Astronaut Mukai has been involved in various kinds of life-science research in the space environment, with particular emphasis on the effect of space on living organisms - human beings, small animals and plants. Until September 2004, she worked at the Johnson Space Center; now she is training her successors as a visiting professor at the International Space University in France.
Manned Flight to Mars
If we were to stay in space for a long time, would we start to look like this Martian?

Space is a very interesting place. The space environment has significant effects on living organisms. If we were to go to Mars without the appropriate preparations, we might eventually become Martian-like creatures.

Yes, it's true. This is because it would take quite a long time to get to Mars. If we were to leave Earth for Mars in January 2014, it would take about 161 days to reach our destination. We would then have to spend 573 days on Mars, until January 2016, waiting for Mars to reach a good enough position for us to go back to Earth, and then another 154 days in space on the return flight. That would be a total of two-and-a-half years away from Earth, which is a very long time.

Even a healthy man would lose 6 to 7 per cent of bone density in a six-month space trip. Suppose that rate of loss continues in linear fashion. That means he would lose 20 to 25 per cent of bone mineral density, and might become a mollusk-like creature similar to this Martian. Even from the point of view of such apparently simple things as bones, long space flight is extremely difficult indeed.

Even if we use the moon as a place to conduct various kinds of experiments for future manned flights to Mars, we need to deepen our understanding of life science and medicine, test our methods of sending living organisms from Earth to outer space, and study the resultant phenomena through experiments on the International Space Station (ISS). The ISS is in circumterrestrial orbit about 400 kilometres from the surface. That means it has a zero-gravity environment, in which things don't fall. We can only create this environment in orbit or at the Lagrangian point, where the gravitational fields of two celestial bodies are in balance. For this reason, the ISS plays a very important role as a laboratory in orbit.

At the ISS, we conduct various kinds of experiments in the microgravity environment, where the level of gravity is nearly zero. By working with centrifugal force, we can create any level of gravity we want. The ISS is a very important facility to study the effects of the microgravity environment, which is available on Earth for only very short periods.

The Scales Fell From My Eyes
My first flight lasted two weeks. On my return, the closer I got to Earth, the more gravity I felt. Since I had spent two weeks in a weightless environment, I perceived 0.3G as approximately 1G. Even my helmet felt heavier, and I felt as if somebody were on my shoulders, pushing me down. That was when I began to realize that I was getting closer to Earth.

As the level of gravity increased, the objects that had been floating gradually started to sink. Sheets of paper attached to the wall with Scotch tape started to droop down with the weight of the paper. Every time I released a ball-point pen from my hand, the speed of its fall increased. It was very interesting to observe falling objects on my way back to Earth. When we landed, I felt relieved, but also a little sad.

People often ask me what I think was the most interesting thing in space. The most interesting thing actually happened not when I was in space, but when I returned to Earth. Though I went to space in order to look at Earth from there, the difference between what I had expected to see and what I actually saw was relatively small, since to some extent I had managed to imagine the beauty of Earth seen from space and the fascinating aspects of the zero-gravity environment even before my flight. But when I came back to Earth after two weeks in space, I realized that what I had taken for granted before my flight was actually extraordinary: things released from my hand fell down. As I had spent time in a world where things didn't fall, the fact that they did could only be described as phenomenal.

Can you see what's inside this basket? Physically, humans cannot see what's inside unless you remove the filter. But our imagination can take us beyond the filter. We can see through the filter and imagine what's inside.Can you see what's inside this basket? (refer to the left image) There is a blue filter here, so we cannot see the blue object inside the basket. If we remove this blue filter, we can see a blue bird. Suppose this filter represents gravity, and the blue bird represents our world and the phenomena that happen here. We can see how difficult it is to study these phenomena through the filter of gravity. Geniuses like Einstein and Newton didn't have to go to space and take off their "blue glasses" to understand the causes of these phenomena - that's how strong the power of imagination can be.

Trying to Reach Mars
Today, a manned flight to Mars is not just a fantasy. It is becoming a reality through the efforts of such organizations as NASA, which are studying the possible risk factors. Needless to say, a flight to Mars is extremely challenging, both physically and mentally. It also requires the development of various kinds of new technology. But having said that, the more difficult the things we try to achieve, the more we can benefit from the new technologies that derive from the effort. So travel to Mars is worth trying, even just from this technological point of view.
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Lecture 1
Chiaki Mukai
Astronaut, JAXA
When I returned to Earth, the fact that objects did fall to the ground was just phenomenal to me. Lecture 2
Bruce Murray
Professor Emeritus,
California Institute of Technology
[The Mars probe] Opportunity found, for the first time in history, credible evidence of the possibility that there might have been an environment where microorganisms could survive. Eiichi Takahashi?Photo Takeshi Naganuma?photo Panel Discussion?Photo Chiaki Mukai?Photo Bruce Murray?Photo Lecture 3
Eiichi Takahashi 
Professor, Earth and Planetary Sciences
Tokyo Institute of Technology
I want to predict the level of the evolution of living organisms on distant planets by studying their atmospheric spectrum. Lecture 4
Takeshi Naganuma
Associate Professor, Biosphere Sciences
Hiroshima University
My identity is contained not in my physical self, but in the pattern of the vortex of life. Panel Discussion
Space and Life: Frontier of Research Challenging the Unknown
Bruce Murray, Professor Emeritus, California Institute of Technology
Chiaki Mukai, Astronaut, JAXA
Eiichi Takahashi, Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Takeshi Naganuma, Associate Professor, Hiroshima University
Yuichi Takayanagi, Public Relations Advisor, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, and Professor, University of Electro-Communications
Reona Ezaki, Chairman, Tsukuba Science Academy