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The rocket experiments we conducted this time look like fun and games compared with the vehicles in the world described above. Our small rocket is far from being ready to go into space. But it is our wish that the public understand our idea and vision for the future.

What we are studying now is an extension of our test vehicle program that enables a reusable vehicle to ascend higher above 100 kilometers in altitude, and then return and land safely. We believe that if we take advantage of this system in fields such as scientific observation and research in micro-gravity environment, the public will develop a better understanding of the benefits of reusable vehicles. This can easily be made to happen with our existing technology.

We look forward to the day when the public will share our ideas on the benefits and goals of reusable rockets, and when we start to think about real measures to get to the stage where the word "rocket" means "reusable rocket" without the need to add that adjective.

We have a long way to go, but we really do hope that our experiments will serve as a catalyst to develop this kind of thinking and discussion for a better future.

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