(Promotional Movie :

In order to promote preventive measures for global warming that are adopted by countries all over the world, it is imperative to learn the behavior of greenhouse gases that cause global warming on earth. The Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite "IBUKI" (GOSAT) is a collaborative project by JAXA, the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES,) and the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) to provide the world's first satellite to observe global greenhouse gasses from space. Data acquired by the "IBUKI" will be utilized to learn the "current" status of the earth concerning global warming and to contribute to a better future for all mankind.
To monitor global warming and protect our future
The impact of greenhouse gases has been dramatically more obvious in the last few decades. If the situation is left to continue unchecked, the temperature is said to increase by 6 degrees Celsius by 2100, and the risk of more extreme climate phenomena such as droughts, heat waves, and floods is expected to increase. The IBUKI's mission is to carefully monitor changes in the effects of greenhouse gasses without overlooking minute changes so that it can contribute to our future. The development of the IBUKI has been progressing well with a proud determination to contribute to measures to tackle global warming.
To precisely measure greenhouse gases
The IBUKI, whose strength is its high precision sensor and about 56,000 observation points, can accurately acquire detailed data on greenhouse gases that have not previously been accurately measured. By establishing the precise observing methods for not only emissions but also the movement and absorption of greenhouse gases, we will make a huge leap forward in controlling global warming. The IBUKI project is an essential mission for the future of the earth.
IBUKI to establish "commonly shared criteria" for measuring greenhouses gases
In our efforts to tackle global warming, there is a loophole. That is, we don’t have a common method to precisely measure greenhouse gases.The IBUKI is the world's first satellite that can establish a "commonly shared criteria" for greenhouse gases.
Free distribution of data for global community
When the IBUKI's operations start, updated data will be acquired every three days from many observation points on earth. This data will be distributed free to scientists. Through the IBUKI, our contributions to solve global warming will extend beyond financial and human resources to cover information provision. Therefore, the IBUKI will be very useful as a new tool to provide data on global warming.
Up to 56,000 observation points!
The IBUKI will fly around the earth in about 100 minutes while measuring greenhouse gases almost all over the surface of the earth through its sensor. This means that the IBUKI can acquire data from a staggering number of observation points compared to observations from ground stations or by air planes. The number of observation points is as many as 56,000! Therefore the satellite can measure the increase and decrease of greenhouse gases with high precision in every region of the world.

Diagram of global observation points
(ref. WMO-WDCGG)

Observation points of GOSAT
(56,000 points in standard mode)