The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) signed an inter-agency cooperation agreement with the Italian space agency, Agency Spaziale Italiana (ASI), the Norwegian Space Center (NSC) and the French space agency, Centre National d'Etudes Spatial (CNES), respectively.
1. Agency Spaziale Italiana (ASI)
(1) Date and location of signing
On September 27 (Mon) in Prague (Czech Republic) * Signed at a presidential meeting during the 61st International Astronautical Congress
(2) Signatories
JAXA President Keiji Tachikawa and ASI President Enrico Saggese
(3) Agreement outline
- After the joint statement by both Presidents in 2004 to promote cooperative relations, cooperation activities have been specified. Accordingly, the agreement this time is for clarifying the framework and implementation conditions concerning space development and utilization activities for peaceful purposes.
- Both organizations will study possible cooperation in space and astronautic science, earth observations, space transportation, the International Space Station and space environment utilization, and training and education.
- Both organizations will hold an inter-agency meeting annually.
- Both organizations determined the applicable general conditions for implementing a specific cooperative activity (including conditions concerning intellectual property rights, transfer of goods and technical data, and cross-waiver of liability).
(4) Current major cooperative status
- Both organizations signed a cooperative agreement concerning disaster monitoring in 2009, and are carrying out cooperative activities such as feasibility studies and demonstrations.
- Both organizations are conducting initial studies on the possibility of cooperation for technological development in the field of propulsion systems as far as space engines fueled by Lox/Methane. Also hybrid space engines are envisaged to be jointly studied.
ASI-JAXA signing
2. Norwegian Space Center (NSC)
(1) Date and location of signing
On September 28 (Tue) in Prague (Czech Republic) * Signed at a presidential meeting during the 61st International Astronautical Congress
(2) Signatories
JAXA President Keiji Tachikawa and NSC Director General Bo Andersen
(3) Agreement outline
- Both organizations will identify potential cooperative areas and coordination procedures for promoting space cooperation for peaceful purposes.
- Both organizations will study possible cooperation mainly in space science including sounding rocket activities, earth observations and utilization, space transportation, ground station operations, satellite communications, research and development, and other areas of mutual interests.
- Both organizations will exchange information through contact points, and jointly carry out feasibility studies if any promising projects are specified.
(4) Current major cooperative status
- Cooperation in space science (sounding rockets) and satellite data receiving and transmission are under progress.
NSC-JAXA signing
3. Centre National d'Etudes Spatial (CNES)
(1) Date and location of signing
On September 29 (Wed) in Paris (CNES Headquarters)
(2) Signatories
JAXA President Keiji Tachikawa and CNES President Yannick d'Escatha
(3) Agreement outline
- After the signing of "Inter-Agency Arrangement between CNES and NASDA* concerning the preparation of long-term cooperation in the field of space programs" in 1996, cooperative activities have been specified. Accordingly, the agreement this time is for clarifying the framework and terms of conditions concerning space development and utilization activities for peaceful purposes. (*current JAXA)
- Both organizations will study possible cooperation mainly in space transportation, International Space Station utilization, earth observations and monitoring, space science and exploration of the universe, space research and technology, and ground network operations.
- Both organizations will hold an inter-agency meeting annually.
- Both organizations determined the applicable general conditions for implementing specific cooperative activities (including conditions concerning intellectual property rights, transfer of goods and technical data, and cross-waiver of liability).
(4) Current major cooperative status
- Cooperation in the space parts collaboration program has been under progress since 2003.
- Both organizations are jointly working on space radiation observation experiments using the Jason-2 Satellite based on a memorandum of understanding signed in 2006.
- Both organizations signed a letter of intent on joint studies regarding turbopump inducer technologies in 2009, and are jointly carrying out research and development.
CNES-JAXA signing
(Reference) 61st International Astronautical Congress URL: