What was the primary mission of Expedition 10? |
The primary purpose of the mission was maintenance of the ISS. For instance, as well as exchanging the Quest Airlock parts and fixing American space suits, we installed experimental equipment via spacewalks and prepared for the arrival of Europe's supply vehicle, ATV. Our task was doing maintenance and repairs to keep the station in a good state for the return of the shuttle flights and resumption of major ISS construction. |
What did you feel on board the space station during your six-month stay? |
It's a variety of feelings. Of course it's exciting to be in space, exciting to look down at the Earth and perform the science experiments and maintenance work. And of course EVA [extra-vehicular activity] is very exciting. But it's also a lot of hard work, and it's a long time to be away from your family and friends. So I had a lot of different feelings. |
Very different from a short shuttle flight? |
Oh yes. |
What were the most interesting things that you experienced during your stay in orbit? |
The most interesting thing was looking out the window and taking photographs of different places on Earth. One of my challenges was to try to photograph the Great Wall of China. And I did actually take some photos, but it was hard to discern the wall with the naked eye. Of course EVAs were very exciting. I had a chance to go out in a Russian space suit and try that, after having done several EVAs in the U.S. suit. |
Those pictures are wonderful. Especially, the one that you took of the Great Wall of China was great. |