Q: As a person of the economic world, what do you expect of Japan's aeronautics and space development?
A: Generally speaking, if the area of aeronautics and space development expands, there would certainly be more jobs in related industries. Also, JAXA might seek help from private companies in developing technologies of higher quality. This means that not only could JAXA create more jobs; it could also make huge contributions in helping the private sector improve its cutting-edge technologies.
For example, our company has been dealing with optical lenses and other related instruments. We have contributed to space development from a very early stage. Also with precision machines, our measurement and surveying instruments have played important roles. In this sense, the broad field of aeronautics and space technologies is not just about high-tech. It has a lot to do with "middle-class" technology, too.
Unfortunately, we have witnessed sad accidents, which remind us that there are risks in aeronautics and space development. But I believe we need to overcome these risks through higher reliability and precise estimations. Our great dreams of airplanes, spaceships and space exploration are something to be treasured and nurtured.
Of course Japan's economic circles are always seeking to develop new products, services and technologies. There are practical difficulties involved in the field of space, but I think the potential is limitless. This potential has great positive influence not only on the companies directly involved in the field, but also on the economic world in general.
It isn't about sales or economic power. The "Big Dream" that we can espouse through broad contributions to aeronautics and space development is a precious thing, both for us Japanese and for humankind in general. The dream will live on far into our future, so its influence is great, and our hopes enormous.

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