Press Release

Launch Schedule, SS-520 No. 5 with a Microsatellite aboard

February 1, 2018 (JST)

National Research and Development Agency
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

Following is the launch experiment schedule of the microsatellite aboard SS-520 No. 5.

Launch Experiment Date:
February 3, 2018
Launch Experiment Time:
2:03 p.m. (Japan Standard Time, JST)
Launch Experiment Window:
2:03 p.m. through 2:13 p.m. (JST)
Reserved Period:
February 4 through February 12, 2018
The JAXA Uchinoura Space Center, Kimotsuki-cho, Kimotsuki-gun, Kagoshima

JAXA will promptly inform updates in the event of cancellation of the experiment due to adverse weather and other status.