Attitudes towards the Environment: Sagamihara Campus

Environmental Policies


Sagamihara Campus conducts research on space, mainly at the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, using scientific satellites and planetary probes.
Furthermore, as a research and educational institution based on the inter-university research system, we educate the next generation, who will play leading roles in the development of space science in Japan. 

Environmental Initiatives

We will strive to prevent environmental pollution and comply with environment-related laws and regulations as well as agreements with stakeholders through our daily work, including research, development and education, in accordance with JAXA’s Environmental Charter and Basic Environmental Policy, with the aim of achieving a sustainable society.

In addition, we will take environmentally friendly initiatives and strive to develop researchers and engineers with environmental mindset.

Considering the following matters to be important, we will set up objectives and goals, conduct regular evaluations, and make continuous improvements.

We will:

1. Reduce CO2 emissions by appropriately managing energy through energy-saving activities.
2. Give consideration to the reduction of environmental load in goods procurement.
3. Promote 3R activities (reduce, reuse, and recycle) and contribute to a recycling-oriented society.
4. Prevent environmental incidents by appropriately managing chemical substances and waste.

Handling of Environmental Policy

This Sagamihara Campus Environmental Policy is posted on the campus to inform all persons involved and the general public visiting the campus. It is also available upon request.

Director General
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
April 1, 2018