Launch Records

February 17,2024 Updated
Launch Date (JST) Launch Vehicle Mission Launch Site
2/17/2024 The second H3 Launch Vehicle (H3 TF2)(Japanese Only) VEP-4(Japanese Only) TNSC
9/7/2023 H-IIA F47 X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM) TNSC
Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM)
3/7/2023 The first H3 Launch Vehicle (H3 TF1) Advanced Land Observing Satellite-3 “DAICHI-3” (ALOS-3)
*Launch Failure of the First H3 Launch Vehicle and Setting up a Special Task Force
10/7/2022 Epsilon Launch Vehicle No. 6 The Innovative Satellite Technology Demonstoration-3
*Setting up a special task force for the failed launch of Epsilon-6
11/9/2021 Epsilon Launch Vehicle No. 5 The Innovative Satellite Technology Demonstoration-2 USC
11/29/2020 H-IIA F43 Japanese Data Relay System "JDRS" (data relay satellite) TNSC
7/20/2020 H-IIA F42 TNSC
5/21/2020 H-IIB F9 H-II Transfer Vehicle "KOUNOTORI"9 (HTV9) TNSC
2/9/2020 H-IIA F41 IGS (Information Gathering Satellites) TNSC
9/25/2019 H-IIB F8 H-II Transfer Vehicle "KOUNOTORI"8 (HTV8) TNSC
1/18/2019 Epsilon-4 The Innovative Satellite Technology Demonstoration-1 USC
10/29/2018 H-IIA F40 Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite-2 "IBUKI-2" (GOSAT-2) TNSC
10/20/2018 Ariane 5 Mercury Exploration Mission "BepiColombo" Guiana
9/23/2018 H-IIB F7 H-II Transfer Vehicle "KOUNOTORI"7 (HTV7) TNSC
6/12/2018 H-IIA F39 IGS (Information Gathering Satellites) TNSC
2/27/2018 H-IIA F38 IGS (Information Gathering Satellites) TNSC
1/18/2018 Epsilon-3 NEC Small radar satellite "ASNARO-2" USC
12/23/2017 H-IIA F37 Global Change Observation Mission - Climate "SHIKISAI" (GCOM-C)
Super Low Altitude Test Satellite "TSUBAME" (SLATS) (Japanese Only)
10/10/2017 H-IIA F36 Quasi-Zenith Satellite-4 "MICHIBIKI No. 4" TNSC
8/19/2017 H-IIA F35 Quasi-Zenith Satellite-3 "MICHIBIKI No. 3" TNSC
6/1/2017 H-IIA F34 Quasi-Zenith Satellite-2 "MICHIBIKI No. 2" TNSC
3/17/2017 H-IIA F33 IGS (Information Gathering Satellites) TNSC
1/24/2017 H-IIA F32 X-band defense communication satellite-2 TNSC
12/20/2016 Epsilon-2 Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) USC
12/9/2016 H-IIB F6 H-II Transfer Vehicle "KOUNOTORI"6 (HTV6) TNSC
11/2/2016 H-IIA F31 Geostationary Meteorological Satellite "Himawari-9" TNSC
2/17/2016 H-IIA F30 X-ray Astronomy Satellite "Hitomi" (ASTRO-H) TNSC
11/24/2015 H-IIA F29 H-IIA UPGRADE / Telstar 12 VANTAGE TNSC
8/19/2015 H-IIB F5 H-II Transfer Vehicle "KOUNOTORI"5 (HTV5) TNSC
3/26/2015 H-IIA F28 IGS (Information Gathering Satellites) TNSC
2/1/2015 H-IIA F27 IGS (Information Gathering Satellites) TNSC
12/3/2014 H-IIA F26 Asteroid Explorer "Hayabusa2" TNSC
10/7/2014 H-IIA F25 Geostationary Meteorological Satellite "Himawari-8" TNSC
5/24/2014 H-IIA F24 Advanced Land Observing Satellite-2 "DAICHI-2" (ALOS-2) TNSC
2/28/2014 H-IIA F23 Global Precipitation Measurement / Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar (GPM/DPR) TNSC
9/14/2013 Epsilon-1 Spectroscopic Planet Observatory for Recognition of Interaction of Atmosphere "HISAKI" (SPRINT-A) USC
8/4/2013 H-IIB F4 H-II Transfer Vehicle "KOUNOTORI"4 (HTV4) TNSC
1/27/2013 H-IIA F22 IGS (Information Gathering Satellites) TNSC
7/21/2012 H-IIB F3 H-II Transfer Vehicle "KOUNOTORI"3 (HTV3) TNSC
5/18/2012 H-IIA F21 Global Change Observation Mission - Water "SHIZUKU" (GCOM-W) TNSC
Small Demonstration Satellite-4 (SDS-4)
12/12/2011 H-IIA F20 IGS (Information Gathering Satellites) TNSC
9/23/2011 H-IIA F19 IGS (Information Gathering Satellites) TNSC
1/22/2011 H-IIB F2 H-II Transfer Vehicle "KOUNOTORI"2 (HTV2) TNSC
9/11/2010 H-IIA F18 Quasi-Zenith Satellite-1 "MICHIBIKI" TNSC
5/21/2010 H-IIA F17 Venus Climate Orbiter "AKATSUKI" (PLANET-C) TNSC
Small Solar Power Sail Demonstrator "IKAROS"
11/28/2009 H-IIA F16 IGS (Information Gathering Satellites) TNSC
9/11/2009 H-IIB TF1 H-II Transfer Vehicle "KOUNOTORI" (HTV Demonstration Flight) TNSC
7/16/2009 Space Shuttle Japanese Experiment Module "Kibo" Exposed Facility KSC
1/23/2009 H-IIA F15 Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite "IBUKI" (GOSAT) TNSC
Small Demonstration Satellite-1 (SDS-1)
6/1/2008 Space Shuttle Japanese Experiment Module "Kibo" Pressurized Module KSC
3/11/2008 Space Shuttle Japanese Experiment Module "Kibo" Experiment Logistics Module KSC
2/23/2008 H-IIA F14 Wideband InterNetworking engineering test and Demonstration Satellite "KIZUNA" (WINDS) (Japanese Only) TNSC
9/14/2007 H-IIA F13 SELenological and ENgineering Explorer "KAGUYA" (SELENE) TNSC
2/24/2007 H-IIA F12 IGS (Information Gathering Satellites) TNSC
12/18/2006 H-IIA F11 Engineering Test Satellite VIII "KIKU No.8" (ETS-VIII) (Japanese Only) TNSC
9/23/2006 M-V-7 Solar Physics Satellite "HINODE" (SOLAR-B) USC
9/11/2006 H-IIA F10 IGS (Information Gathering Satellites) TNSC
2/22/2006 M-V-8 Infrared Imaging Satellite "AKARI" (ASTRO-F) USC
2/18/2006 H-IIA F9 Multi-functional Transport Satellite-2 "Himawari-7" (MTSAT-2) TNSC
1/24/2006 H-IIA F8 Advanced Land Observing Satellite "DAICHI" (ALOS) (Japanese Only) TNSC
7/10/2005 M-V-6 X-ray Astronomy Satellite "Suzaku" (ASTRO-EII) USC
2/26/2005 H-IIA F7 Multi-Functional Transport Satellite-1 Replacement "Himawari-6" (MTSAT-1R) TNSC
11/29/2003 H-IIA F6 IGS (Information Gathering Satellites)
* H-IIA F6 was consequently destroyed by a destruction command from the ground as the vehicle did not gain enough height and speed due to the failure.
* TNSC:Tanegashima Space Center / USC:Uchinoura Space Center / KSC:Kennedy Space Center
* For other launch records apart from the above, please check the Past Projects.