Attitudes towards the Environment: Tsukuba Space Center

Environmental Policies

The Tsukuba Space Center (TKSC) has an important role in building a society capable of sustainable development, as the core field center of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), which is the core executing agency supporting Japan’s whole governmental space development and utilization by its technology. Recognizing above-mentioned role and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we continually promote environmentally friendly activities based on the following policies;

1. To contribute to solving global environmental problems through space research, space development and space utilization such as developing and operating earth observation satellites and distributing observed data,
2. To reduce CO2 emissions through appropriate management of energy use including energy saving activities,
3. To prevent contamination and environmental accidents by appropr iately managing chemical and waste materials,
4. To contribute to a recycling-oriented society by promoting the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, and recycle.) and reducing resource consumption,
5. Based on JAXA‘s Basic Environmental Policy, to formulate TKSC’s Environmental Plan, and to keep improving the environment by conducting appropriate reviews,
6. To aggressively engage in activities that are positive for the environment and to promote making the environment cleaner and more comfortable,
7. To observe all environmental rules and regulations, and other requirements,
8. To continually improve our environmental education in order to enhance the understanding and awareness of our employees on the environmentally friendly activities,
9. To release information on our initiatives for environmental issues and to value communications with all relevant stakeholders including collaboration with surrounding research institutes.

This environmental policy is displayed at the TKSC to inform our staff and all related personnel as well as the general public visiting our center. It is also available upon request.

Director of the Tsukuba Space Center
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
April 1, 2024