Facilitating DX in Aviation Industry
In FY2022, JAXA started to develop Aircraft Life Cycle DX (Aircraft DX) initiatives. Digital transformation (DX) is attracting broader attention as an important approach to improving the way of living throughout the entire society by implementing digital technologies. This approach is being pursued by various industries, including aviation. MIZOBUCHI Yasuhiro described the implications of DX on the aviation industry in association with specific Aircraft DX initiatives.
“Aircraft life cycle refers to the entire range of processes aircraft experiences throughout its life cycle, covering from design and certification to manufacturing, operation, maintenance, end of life, and recycling. Our Aircraft DX initiatives are to apply digital technologies to these processes in order to create a data network system covering the entire course of cycle.” (MIZOBUCHI; same hereinafter)
MIZOBUCHI illustrated the initiatives with an example, which is related to creating a digital simulation-based aircraft flight test system to replace the previous method using prototype aircraft created for test use. Aircraft DX initiatives aim to apply digital technologies to each stage of the aircraft life cycle in a similar manner in order to innovate the overall processes.
“Our plan is to develop a data network system to connect all processes starting from the design stage. This will enable more efficient work progress. For example, in case of a design change, you'll be able to understand quickly and accurately what part of the following processes will be affected by the change. Also, as I explained earlier, we'll adopt digital simulation and other technologies to improve efficiency in aircraft development while reducing environmental impacts and costs.”
In order to carry out Aircraft DX initiatives, JAXA launched the CompreHensive Aviation INovation by digital transformation (CHAIN-X) Consortium in June 2022.
“The Consortium, as the term is generally defined as a union or alliance of multiple organizations, is composed of a number of institutions, including JAXA, from various sectors, such as manufacturers, IT vendors, government agencies, universities, and airlines. We will work with these partners in enhancing development efficiency and creating new value in response to social needs and through sharing technological and other capabilities.”
Japan is falling far behind the US and Europe in implementing DX technologies. In a bid to catch up with the leaders in this area, MIZOBUCHI emphasized the significance of “establishing a cross industry structure to mobilize all applicable resources from across the country to put Aircraft DX initiatives into practice.”
“One of the future goals of Aircraft DX is to achieve capabilities for safer flight service with lower cost. We are striving for this goal while at the same time providing solutions to environmental issues.”
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